The material that you will find here shows us another perspective about the world in which we live. Reading at your own risk is much advised.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Devon's Findings Chapter
Executive Branch – Developing the Entrepreneurs of the Future
Executive Education Curricula is Evolving to teach the skills required to Bridge the Dived between International Corporations and Globalisation.
More executives are requesting executive education as part of their compensation package when they join a new organization.
Furthermore, executives educations programs are offering or incorporation one-on-one coaching into their curricula – these are being increasingly relied on to teach new skills required for bridging the physical and cultural divides that exist amongst international corporations.
What part does the media play in shaping our young entrepreneurs shopping for an education in a complex world. As an unemployed writer, I began to wonder about the intellect of the general population. Social patterns and norms of our social order are pre-planned by the designers of our media. In addition, we profess to know this all ready. What is the saying about our diligence to act accordingly to these social designs tactics, perpetrated on you simply because you refuse to give up on keeping social order. We believe that we are going to have some wing nut out of his mind Bouncing all over the place. Shouting his mouth off about socially expectable ways are the only tolerable actions in public and private business of today.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to night to tell you that the masses are completely controlled by the media. Moreover, is it not ironic that I need to communicate to you through the very industry that sold its heart to the Devil?
Some very specific things have been done to manipulate the masses into “what ever definition you want of society” A happy civil free citizen is more mutable and much easier to fool or trick—call not man a fool—We Know the father of PR was responsible for this rhetoric we now call social psychology.
The following is a very good example of what we have been dealing with since the early 19th century.
The Century of the Self
The Untold History of Controlling the Masses through the Manipulation of Unconscious Desire s
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." - Edward BernaysTHE CENTURY OF THE SELF
The ability to be under such sorcery came from under standing of how it could be used to manipulate vast populations of the world. By telling people some thing, anything they would listen and they will react to that something –cause and effect over the whole earths population by serving it through key avenues of public discloser. This method of advertising became the most efficient social engineering tool that any body has ever brought against the humans of the earth for it has effectively removed the ability of the public to ever regain absolute freedom –because freedom becomes a by word for a fabled concept that kept the masses at bay.
Now more then ever the masses are coming to their scenes. How did they manipulate and intelligent, self-aware enlightened Professor of political science, or economics, or any one of that elk, simply by controlling the educational context of not only the babies and children through public education, but the also the “Bay-Streeters” as well as the all military personal. As you saw in the videos above, that social psychology manipulated us into believing, that we had freedoms and liberties. Now today we simply accept the notion of psychology as gospel truth about the condition of someone’s’ mind, I tell you every one has gone mad, mad I say.
Psychology is not what we perceive it to be. We are told what are the best practices as if it is a mantra of all companies both great and small. Moreover, we blindly except the best practices and diligently do. We realize not what the best practices are all about. These are the ways that the authorities are manipulating you and your company, into the practices. And the making of policies that are designed to move your company into the global market place and server the larger and grater good of the global market.
In addition, we are now training our young fresh entrepreneurs how to become the star of the business world playing on the accomplished childhood programming that these young entrepreneurs have been weaned on so that the training is simple now. You will comply with the global consortium or you will be cast out. Cast out of business. This training is no different psychologically then the training that the military gets. What is this training all about it is about programming the entrepreneur to fit into a mould and to behave in a business like manner.
If we grasp how the educational system works in hand with the media, we will begin to unravel so deep a psychological perspective, which, we have on life in general. At the entrepreneurial level of small business behaving like cookie cutter business –like franchisees, service the over all global integration process of all technical data mechanics and operational procedural performances of any company in to the democratic world operating a capitalist transaction, we must realize that this is being done at the computer programming level as well as the personal psychosocial level.
How does this serve the interest of the globalist by facilitating the lower level business and uniting all entrepreneurs into a single cohesive society of business men and women who thing there are doing there own thing. Free people co-operate better. At the global level, this process of global integrating is working towards a type of psychologically manipulated people through the media and doing it on mass to produce and economic house around the world. You have been minded controlled most of all your life make no mistake.
You are led to believe that you want that thing and that you need that thing, you are being driven to buy and service from an oligarchy system. What does this type of education serve it services the globalist that have unlimited sources of wealth to back or infiltrate any program and change policies where need to comply with the globalizing plan of bring in a one world federalist governmental system and business needs to comply with this system.
It is all about partnering with the United Nations, thus giving your solidarity over to the United Nations. This strategy is building the power of the United Nations. That Beast that dragon that serpent, who has fooled us all, social and economic dimensions, International cooperation to accelerate sustainable development in developing countries and related domiciles and the making of polices. Demystifying sustainability polices of the United Nations is not a popular thing to do. For it is through such polices that the UN makes the world believe that it is fixing the worlds problems. The globalist agenda is difficult to unwind because they are posing as angles of light.
OTEC Applications
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems have many applications or uses. OTEC can be used to generate electricity, desalinate water, support deep-water mariculture, and provide refrigeration and air-conditioning as well as aid in crop growth and mineral extraction. These complementary products make OTEC systems attractive to industry and island communities even if the price of oil remains low.

OTEC can also be used to produce methanol, ammonia, hydrogen, aluminum, chlorine, and other chemicals. Floating OTEC processing plants that produce these products would not require a power cable, and station-keeping costs would be reduced.
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